
Another week of bulldozing and clearing is in the books. We achieved everything we set out for and more. The majority of our land clearing is done. Our proposed new driveway area is ready for culverts and fill/gravel. And the hill where our new home will sit is cleared. We are both excited, but both exhausted.

We have a butt-ton on clean up to do, and bare soil to reseed. But for this week before Christmas we are purposing to just recover. Sore muscles need rest, tired bodies need nurturing.

We had a nasty northern blow through last night, right now the thermometer is reading 25*F. I know some of you probably laugh at us Texans  and our complaints about “winter”. I had someone once call me a wimp for complaining about the cold here, (I admittedly took quite offense to this!). I used to love the cold. The thought of curling up of the couch with a mug of goodness and a book was one of my favorite things. But homesteading in the cold is something all together different. This morning I went out to break ice on the water tanks and check on chickens and livestock. The cows knew what was coming this winter and instinctively put on thick winter coats. They are laying in the hay and chewing their cud, looking a little annoyed at this winter yuck, but mostly content.


The chickens were shooting from the coop, and then running back for cover from the wind and chill. The ducks, however, wanted none of this cold weather. They were curled up in the coop, beaks tucked under the wings. They glanced up at me, and huddled in deeper. Thankfully, yesterday while Preston and I were processing meat birds, the kids stuffed the chicken coops with fresh hay and turned them to face the south, so the wind would hit the back sides. So, everyone is hunkering down on this cold, winter day, including us. I plan to spend some time curled up with a book and my littles. And I think a nap is on the agenda for both Preston and I!


Time to breathe and recover and enjoy this Christmas week!

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